Our Loss

Weaving grief into everyday spaces with community connection and personalized support.

Our Loss believes that grief shouldn’t be hidden but integrated and woven into our everyday lives.

For as long as humans can remember, there's been this idea that seeing someone in grief can be a bit awkward. We've been told that grief should be stashed away, saved for those somber places like funeral homes, hospitals, doctor's offices, or in hushed conversations with our therapists. But let's face it, grief doesn't come with an on-off switch; it's just a part of life. It's always there, no matter where we are. 

Our Loss is your grief community in the real world.

With monthly, in-person Grief Hangs and events, Our Loss invites adult grievers of all kinds to chat, join a creative workshop or just make friends in local Hamilton spaces.

Have a griefy idea for an event and want to collaborate?

About the Founder

Meet Annie Horton, the founder of Our Loss, a platform dedicated to creating a community of support and resources for those who are grieving. Annie's personal experience with sudden and multiple losses, including her father, grandmother, grandfather, brother-in-law, father-in-law, and mother-in-law, led her to pursue this work and have given her a unique perspective that allows her to connect with those who are struggling with grief.

Annie has a deep understanding of the complexities of loss and grief, both death and non-death related. She is a trained Death Doula and Certified Grief Educator. She is also currently completing her Death, Dying, and Bereavement Certificate from Wilfred Laurier's School of Social Work.

Since 2019, Annie has organized several events centered around grief and death, planned and executed an online grief retreat, and presented at the Spark Conference Healthcare Communications Conference on creating a grief community using Instagram. She has also been featured on podcasts such as Good Mourning Podcast, and The Power of Love Show with Taj and TJ Jackson, and interviewed many times with the Hamilton Spectator and CBC Hamilton about her personal losses and the importance of grief literacy.

In 2021, Annie began grief coaching with Bob Kemp Hospice, providing one-on-one support and guidance to adults who have experienced death and non-death related losses.

Our Loss was born out of Annie's desire to break down barriers created by society and institutions around keeping grief private. Through her work, Annie strives to bring grief support into the public, weaving grief into everyday lives and spaces and creating a community of understanding and acceptance.